Day and Night.


Roseann Weiss


By day, Roseann Weiss is a creative advisor and strategist about the intersections of art and community, working independently as ART +.

She has over 35 years of experience in arts leadership in nonprofit arts institutions, community organizations, and gallery settings. Her expertise centers in arts-based community development, community and public arts, artists' professional development, and grant-making.

For 14 years, she guided the nationally-recognized Community Arts Training (CAT) Institute at the St. Louis Regional Arts Commission. The CAT Institute is an innovative, cross-sector program for artists and community activists designed around art as a powerful agent for social change with a network of 400 alumni.

Among her recent projects are Lead Educator for Arts as Civic Engagement at the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement at Washington University and working with Americans for the Arts to create guides, webinars, and workshops around the country for  “Artists at the Community Development Table.”

By night, Roseann Weiss is an occasional insomniac who writes observations about the moon on social media.

Home: St. Louis, Missouri U.S.A.

Spouse: Harper Barnes

Pronouns: she/her/hers