Dear Senator Hawley

About January 6, 2021. The timeline. Among all the other evidence, pay attention to 1/6 timeline of events that day and many days before. DT and his cronies. Guilty.

“The sacred obligation to defend this peaceful transfer of power has been honored by every American president — except one,” Ms. Cheney noted. “As Americans, we all have a duty to ensure that what happened on January 6 never happens again.”

Dear Senator Hawley,

As your constituent, I am seriously asking you whether you will be found guilty of treason and sedition? Your infamous fist-pump to the Proud Boys and Oath Keeper insurrectionists on January 6 indicated you were “in on it.” Did you help them decide they would come at 10 am - well before Trump’s rally - to bludgeon the police guarding your colleagues as they prepared to certify the election? As these domestic terrorists planned their breach of the capital to overthrow the legal and rightful election of the next President - Joe Biden, were you texting them? As the crowds Trump incited to bolster them came to break windows, doors, and guards heads, were you guiding them through the halls of Congress to upend the proceedings? Did you approve of the hunt to “hang Mike Pence”? I am seriously asking you these questions. And I want answers as a Missouri voter.

During the proceedings, your Congressional colleague Representative Liz Cheney said, “Tonight I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”

Indeed, Senator Hawley. Your dishonor is on display.


Roseann Weiss