On the eve of International Women’s Day 2020. I ask: What will it take, my brothers?

If I smile like you command me to do as I walk down the street not minding your business. If I say nothing when you take my wisdom as you own. If I wear my hair that way. If I lose ten pounds. If I bend my back to be shorter than you. If I carry the baby inside my own body you have abandoned. If I pretend you didn’t lie. If I don’t protest when you put your name on the words I wrote. If I don’t call it rape. If I let you take credit for the idea. If I don’t call myself a feminist. If I am sick but hide it from you to not inconvenience you. If I try not to be assertive. If I do your work but not make your money. If I have no ambition other than to be your girl. If I only vote for your candidates. If I am not smarter than you. If I’m a good sport. If I stop running for President. If I hide my breasts. If I show my breasts. If I ignore your ignorance. If I act like one of the boys. If I would just lower my voice. If I only take care of you. If I sit quietly in the back. If I just laugh at your jokes because you were just joking. If I do your laundry. If I understand it’s all my fault. If I would just shut the f#%k up.

For International Women’s Day and every day: I say No. No, women will not shut up. We will never shut up. Our voices are high and loud. Our voices are shrill and beautiful. Our voices are the thunder before the storm.